There are two key difference with the AFR and the AMAP rate, firstly the AFR is revised on a quarterly basis to reflect the price of fuel at the pump and, secondly, the rate is linked to the engine size of the car (and subsequent mean MPG) – the larger the car’s engine, the higher the rate.
HMRC review the AFR rates:
- 01 March
- 01 June
- 01 September
- 01 December
The tables below shows the AFR rates valid from 1st September 2024.
Engine size Petrol — rate per mile
- 1400cc or less = 13 pence
- 1401cc to 2000cc = 15 pence
- Over 2000cc = 24 pence
LPG — rate per mile
1400cc or less = 11 pence
1401cc to 2000cc = 13 pence
Over 2000cc = 21 pence
Engine size Diesel — rate per mile
- 1600cc or less = 12 pence
- 1601cc to 2000cc = 14 pence
- Over 2000cc = 18 pence
There is currently a flat rate of 7 pence per mile for pure Electric cars, and Hybrid cars follow the same as the petrol or diesel rates
There are no AFR rates for company vans as it is wrapped in the BIK rates.
What else do you need to know?
Other HMRC schemes:
As with most HMRC schemes and advice, it is there to cover the vast majority of situations, however, there are a number of schemes and tax relief options that can be accessed based on your own personal situation.
- AFR = Advisory Fuel Rate. Set by the HMRC for company car drivers. Set on a quarterly basis.
- BIK = Benefit In Kind. A personal tax based on the retail price and emissions of the vehicle.