Driver documentation specialist Licence Check has integrated its widely-acclaimed Driver App with its powerful analytical fleet management solution, DAVIS Fleet.
According to Licence Check the combination of the two systems will give fleet managers greater functionality and more effective control over their vehicles in real time.
DAVIS Fleet has been designed to provide fleet managers with actionable and insightful management information from a continuous stream of data variables so that fleet management decisions can be taken in a pro-active and timely manner.
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Integrating the Driver App, which launched last November results in data from drivers being received more rapidly by fleet managers, enabling a quicker response time and more efficient management of vehicles.
At the same time the app has been made as easy as possible for drivers to use, with a streamlined design and simple, easy-to-follow steps.
The App acts as a two-way information conduit, providing drivers with key information, such as insurance documents, contact details and company policies, while allowing them to relay essential data to DAVIS Fleet, including mileage capture and the results of any vehicle inspections.
Drivers are automatically notified of the need to carry out key tasks, such as recording mileages, viewing company documents or completing vehicle inspections, thus minimising the need for fleet managers to follow up and chase drivers for the required information.
As an example the app allows managers to prompt drivers to carry out a vehicle inspection – defects can be recorded quickly and simply and there is a facility to upload supporting images and enter comments for a thorough inspection report.
Defects are then reported instantly within DAVIS, and the fleet user can then select the defect severity level and view and manage any remedial work for the defect more efficiently.
Fleet managers can also upload and share company documents with drivers instantly, obtaining an e-signature to record acknowledgement and agreement. The app’s Glovebox can also store essential contact information, such as emergency contacts or a breakdown service provider, enabling the driver to get in touch directly to shorten response times.
Another new feature is the ability to manage fines, such as DART charges, parking permits and annual subscriptions. Fleet managers can assign fines against a driver and vehicle, highlighting repeat offenders and notifying subscription renewals.
Fleet managers are provided with dashboard views of all exceptions, including under and over mileages, warnings of vehicles nearing mileage limits, any vehicles without mileage recorded and notifiable defects. They can also create custom reminders for all aspects relating to the vehicle, providing added flexibility when managing multiple vehicles and suppliers.
The new development is the latest part of a longer-term objective to reposition the DAVIS risk management platform from what was widely known as a licence checking solution to a comprehensive fleet management offering for operators.
“By integrating our Driver App within DAVIS Fleet, fleet managers will be able to more effectively manage their vehicles, with greater visibility and to take pro-active and timely action to improve efficiency,” said Licence Check managing director, Keith Allen.
“With the introduction of the Driver App, DAVIS offers a consolidated experience for managing drivers, vehicles and risk in a refreshingly uncomplicated format at a fraction of the price of traditional fleet management software.”