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AFP unveils 2024 training programme

The AFP is an Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Centre and its Fleet Vehicle Management courses at Strategic and Advanced levels are accredited, so the organiation can support its members not only in developing their knowledge and skills but also by receiving professional recognition in the motor industry.
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Paul Hollick


4 January 2024

THE Association of Fleet Professionals (AFP) has unveiled an extensive programme of training for 2024, as interest in its courses reaches record levels.

In total, the organisation plans to offer 550 days of training through its training arm, the AFP Fleet Academy, the highest number ever, including its predecessor body, the Institute for Car Fleet Management.

Paul Hollick, chair at the AFP, said: “Enthusiasm for training across the fleet sector has been increasing for some time. This year we have delivered a record number of training days and are gearing up to exceed that figure in 2024.

“Not only are we seeing increased attendance at our well-established fleet vehicle management courses, but new options we have introduced over the last couple of years in areas such as electric vehicle management have proven very successful.

“We’re also adding new courses in 2024 – Fleet Vehicle Management Foundation is aimed at those in fleet administrator and co-ordinator roles and Your Voice in Fleet will help anyone in a fleet role to make their voice heard more effectively in a corporate environment.

“Across the AFP, we see many fleet professionals who want to enhance their skills and progress their careers, and the courses that we provide are very much designed to meet those needs.”

The AFP is an Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Centre and its Fleet Vehicle Management courses at Strategic and Advanced levels are accredited, so the organiation can support its members not only in developing their knowledge and skills but also by receiving professional recognition in the motor industry.

Hollick added; “Many delegates attending training in the last year have commented how grateful they are to be on one of our programmes, feeling valued by their employer and creating a sense of job security.

“At a time where many employers are finding it hard to attract and retain good people in their organisations, investing in their training and future development is crucial in enhancing business performance and lowering attrition.”

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Chris Wright

Chris Wright has been covering the automotive industry nationally and internationally for 30 years. Following spells with consumer titles he became News Editor of Automotive Management (AM), Editor of Automotive International, International Editor for Detroit-based Automotive News, and Editor of Dealer Update. He has also co-authored several FT Management Reports and contributes regularly to

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