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DAVIS hits the one million mark for the first time

The Derby-based business, part of the Compliance Division of the Ebbon Group, recorded a total of 1,030,552 licence checks through its award-winning DAVIS (Driver and Vehicle Information Solution) platform between April 2022 and March this year, the highest of any licence checking business in the UK and a 21% increase over the previous year.
keith allen
keith allen


24 April 2023


LICENCE CHECK has officially checked more than one million licences in a calendar year through its DAVIS platform for the first time in its history according to the latest Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) figures.

The Derby-based business, part of the Compliance Division of the Ebbon Group, recorded a total of 1,030,552 licence checks through its award-winning DAVIS (Driver and Vehicle Information Solution) platform between April 2022 and March this year, the highest of any licence checking business in the UK and a 21% increase over the previous year.

These results include a record month when in February this year, more than 100k checks were processed through DAVIS – a new high for a single month and up 23% compared with the same month last year.

Managing director, Keith Allen, said: “This is fantastic news and to hit the 1m mark in a year is testimony to the efficiency and ease-of-use of the DAVIS platform and the sheer hard work of our highly talented team right the way across the business.

“However, to maintain our number one position over the coming year, we have a host of exciting new developments already in the pipeline and which we will bring to market during the coming year, including a new driver app.”

“It was always our intention to enhance the overall fleet functionality and services available through DAVIS and, with our recently launched DAVIS Fleet solution, we are now looking to provide a comprehensive solution to give fleet operators insight into delivering safe, efficient and sustainable fleet solutions and policy compliance.

“DAVIS Fleet will move the DAVIS platform from what was traditionally known as a licence checking platform to a fleet management offering for operators.  In practice  there has always been a vehicle compliance element to the platform, including MOT and tax checks, as well as making sure fleet managers had all vehicle data.  It was simply less well known.

“However, we are expanding this to become a simple, easy-to-use platform for operators to manage their drivers and vehicles in one place. We are thinking in terms of renewal management, disposal charges, back-end management with compliance remaining a key focus – all in a single platform.

“The emphasis will be on efficiency, safety and sustainability and so the service will offer different management tools in that regard. For example, DAVIS Fleet will give fleet operators their CO2 analysis and trends, fuel and mileage management and compliance.”



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Chris Wright

Chris Wright has been covering the automotive industry nationally and internationally for 30 years. Following spells with consumer titles he became News Editor of Automotive Management (AM), Editor of Automotive International, International Editor for Detroit-based Automotive News, and Editor of Dealer Update. He has also co-authored several FT Management Reports and contributes regularly to

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