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What does your car say about you?



11 March 2015

Vauxhall Corsa VXR
Drive a Corsa then you must be a boy racer

Luxury high-end cars – Success and power

The main group of cars that have developed quite a reputation are the BMWs, Mercedes and Audi models. In particular, BMW drivers have received quite a negative reputation. While they do ooze success and wealth, you will often hear quite derogative terms being used for those who drive these luxury vehicles. The reason? Because drivers of these cars are regarded as often feeling superior to other drivers on the road, even if this is not necessarily the case.

According to an article published by Forbes, the majority of luxury car owners tend to be male. They buy them to show off their power and wealth. The women who drive luxury cars are often seen as career-driven and single.

Sporty cars – ideal for the boy racer

There are some types of cars that give off a ‘boy racer’ vibe. These include models such as the Corsa. These typically come at a low cost, though they are built with style and speed in mind. They are expensive to insure, and for the discerning boy racer the bling and accessories, such as spoilers, alloys and the latest sound system, are mandatory. This may signify that the driver is someone with disposable income which they are only to eager to throw at their car – it gives an image of trying to impress the opposite sex and immaturity, but also a thirst for excitement and speed.

These are just some examples of what your car could be saying about you. So if you’re looking to buy a new car, you might want to think about what type of image you’re hoping to convey. It is surprising just how much judgement is placed upon the type of car that you drive. It goes far deeper than personal preference and budget.

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