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Don’t be another statistic in 2015: How to protect yourself on the road



19 March 2015

Driver using mobile phone at the wheel
Avoid using your mobile phone while driving

Stay focused!

If you want to stay protected on the roads, you need to stay focused. Using mobile phones, adjusting sat navs or eating while driving are some of the small distractions that can make a big difference. Avoid using your mobile phone while driving; taking your eyes off the road for just a second can have damaging consequences.

Remember, if what you’re doing is taking your eyes and attention away from the road; don’t do it!

You can’t crash into space

The more space you keep around you, the less likely you are to have a collision. Being aware of what’s happening on the road around you, and keeping space between the drivers in front and behind you can protect your life and the lives of those around you.

Watch your speed

The risk of fatality in your car is affected by how fast you are driving. Don’t treat speed limits as targets, and certainly do not exceed them. They are there to protect you. Keeping to appropriate speed limits means that you will be able to avoid hazards at a safe distance and in a safe manner.

Paying attention on the road requires significant effort, but as you eliminate the distractions around you and focus on the road, you will be able to avoid becoming another damaging statistic.

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