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AFP adds to calls for fleet support by next Government

The Association of Fleet Professionals has added its voice to the views as to what the next Government should be doing for the automotive industry following the General Election.
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29 May 2024

The Association of Fleet Professionals (AFP) has added its voice to the views as to what the next Government should be doing for the automotive industry following the General Election on 4th July.

The AFP has launched a revised version of its Tax and Regulation Manifesto – first created in 2021 and revised last year, the document has grown from 13 points to 24, which the AFP says underlines the growing number of issues that fleets are facing at present.

Additions to the Manifesto include finally resolving ongoing confusion over regulations surrounding 4.25-tonne electric vans (which under current regulations are effectively treated as HGVs), new benefit-in-kind taxation tables up to 2030 and the removal of plans to introduce Vehicle Excise Duty on electric vans from April 2025.

The AFP document also emphasises the need for fiscal support to make electric cars and vans more attractive in the used market, a better labelling scheme explaining the range of electric vans in different weather conditions and with different loads, and improvements to the UK’s charging infrastructure including regulatory and fiscal support for accessible, affordable and fit-for-purpose charge points.

Launching the Manifesto AFP chair Paul Hollick (pictured above) said that since the Covid pandemic, the problems that fleets are facing seem to have multiplied, largely as the sector grapples with the implications of electrification and other zero-emissions initiatives.

“Within our Future Mobility Committee and across our membership, we have been discussing the kind of help we would like to see from government and it is fortuitous that we are publishing this Manifesto just as the general election gets underway,” Hollick added.

“Whoever wins power, we hope to work with them to help resolve these many issues, and the document represents the AFP’s core thinking about what needs to be done. It is designed to focus on practical ideas, ranging from quite small detail alterations to major strategic shifts, around which we believe that change or definition is required to enable businesses to move forward with their fleet and mobility plans faster and more effectively.”

The majority of the points added to the new edition of the document focus on current issues experienced around van electrification and Hollick said that van electrification is proving much more difficult to achieve than for cars.

Interventions are also needed in the used market, particularly with the large numbers of ex-company cars starting to enter remarketing; “A properly functioning used market is essential for the electrification of the UK car parc but there are indications that issues remain, largely around the appetite of buyers for these vehicles. In several countries, governments are offering support such as the interest-free loans being offered in Scotland, and we’d like to see more done here.”

The AFP hopes that the Tax and Regulation Manifesto will prompt dialogue within the fleet industry and political circles, with the general election serving as a useful focal point for discussions.

The 24 points in the Tax and Regulation Manifesto are:

  1. More support for electric vans
  2. Confusion over regulations surrounding 4.25 tonne electric vans to be resolved.
  3. Scrap plans to introduce Vehicle Excise Duty for electric vans
  4. Better labelling for electric vehicles (EVs)
  5. Support for used EV Sales
  6. A national kerbside charging strategy is essential
  7. Community charging projects
  8. Chargepoint regulation
  9. Move public charging VAT to 5%, in line with home charging.
  10. Easy access to get charge points fitted…
  11. … and VAT should be removed from home charger installation costs
  12. Review of the AER
  13. Actual cost definition for electric vehicle charging reimbursements
  14. Clear signposting of EV initiatives is required
  15. Benefit in kind tax tables to 2030
  16. Clean Air Zones should be co-ordinated nationally
  17. Tax breaks are needed for employees taking a mobility solution…
  18. …for shared and low carbon mobility..
  19. … and for hydrogen
  20. Parking costs should be linked to shared mobility and public transport solutions
  21. Inner city parking needs to be improved
  22. The “available to use” rule needs updating
  23. A clear definition of occasional private use is required for cars
  24. Road tolling strategy needs to be clearly signposted

The Tax and Regulation Manifesto 2024 can be downloaded here.

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Andrew Charman

Andrew Charman

Andrew Charman has been a motoring journalist for more than 30 years, writing about vehicles, technology and the industry. He is a Guild of Motoring Writers committee member and has won several awards including for his business coverage.

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